Sunday, October 28, 2007
these are the videos i tried to upload long ago but blogger was laggy.
posted by 1/1ians @ 4:03 pm
Saturday, October 27, 2007
well this is it. you've past the tests, the interviews and you three have been selected.
the ij spirit's living on,
it's stretching far and far beyond,
it's never gonna die,it's gonna live in each of us,
and we will keep it burning, burning strong.
the flame of zest lies in us all along,
always inspiring us to go on.
just as the lyrics of the IJ spirit songs state, the ij spirit will go on, it will never die and will live and the hearts of you three. i trust that the three (marian, jaime and yang lin) will keep this spirit alive and may this inspire you all to go through what ever obstacles that may come you way in future. may you perservere fight till the end till you emerge victorious.

(pyramid built by clara)
"united we stand, divided we fall". each of these 40 cards above represent each student of 2/1. each play a part of supporting one another. with one missing, it's no longer the class 2/1 of 2007.
though we may be in seperate classes or even in different schools next year, i hope that 2/1 will remain in the hearts and minds of the 40 of us and do remember our 2/1 cheer lolx
hey hey
we're 2
hey hey
we're 2
hey hey
we're 2....1, 2/1
and 2/1's like
yo dude!
remember each other always :)

Labels: Rio
posted by 1/1ians @ 2:38 pm
Monday, October 22, 2007
now everyone, when i JUMP, you JUMP. ok?
*jumps* HEY! WHY ISN'T ANYONE JUMPING?!! oh yar no one can read this until i hit the 'POST' button. OOPS. the sun must have fried my brain. AHHH. I went for tuition for half-an-hour today when i was supposed to go for ONE and a half hours x) .. DON'T learn from me. if not your chinese results shall mirror mine.. AAAHHH... ok people EVEN THOUGHT WE DIDDN'T WIN TODAY, we had FUN and THAT is all that matters. okok?
OH btw, to the oneone07 people/person,
I thought normally GEEKS knew html and all the study people cause it's OH-SO-COMPLICATED(I AM NOT GENERALISING. I BASE THIS STATEMENT ON WHEN COMPUTERS WERE FIRST INVENTED UNTIL I WAS LAST INFORMED/AWARE). so i think your "theory" is so called W-R-O-N-G.
Labels: fran
posted by 1/1ians @ 8:53 pm
Sunday, October 14, 2007
About nonsensical and class camp matters
Hey 2/1 how's it going? Hope you peeps are having fun now that exams are finally over ^^
I shall post something very useless on our blog to revive it... it's the same principle as splashing water on someone who's fainted XD yea yea i know that's crap.. anyways... we shall organise a class camp for you =D i'm sure you all want one right? [you'd better or i'll punch the living day lights out of you just kidding XD] well... we originally wanted it on the 19th and 20th of october but some of us have leadership camp, aep workshops, going away etc etc etc... so i guess we shall postphone it... anyone knows of a suitable date? please do suggest... and we'll have to get consent forms and permission to sleep over in school ASAP...
Su lin has also kindly contributed some ideas for games... anyone else care to contribute? it would be greatly appreciated =D oh and yea... i'm passing round an autograph book on wednesday... just to notify you peeps... so if you ever receive some kind of note book, it's most likely mine and don't you dare say... what the heck am i suppose to do with it? cuz i'm letting you know now XD yea yea i know many of you don't even bother to check this blog... but lets just put that aside shall we...
Oh and yes people!! hand up your travel plan forms to caroline ^^ or else i'll have to get the 3 2 1 thingy again to remind you people ;D
well i guess that's all i have to say... i hope more people can come update this graveyard-of-a-blog =D happy "holidays"
P.S. i added the archieve page... i realised that we have 43 posts in total!!! our blog isn't as dead as i thought it was... but mostly it was fran's spamming XD anyways lets try out best to keep this blog alive k?
Labels: Rio
posted by 1/1ians @ 8:41 pm