Wednesday, May 23, 2007
cheerleaders photo.
hi 2/1's!!! Today captains ball carnival was great wasn't it? =) Hope all of you enjoyed yourself today! Will be having food fair tmr =D hahas. Ok, anyways, here is the one and only photo. i have =P hahas, the rest all of them are like erm... clique photos. so you won't want me to publish them. hahas. =)

cheerleaders =) (credits to maxine)
This is the same one as Lizzie only from a different angle =D hahas.
Love you all.
Pei Jing
posted by 1/1ians @ 9:11 pm

whoo! captains ball carnival today was a blast wasn't it? go 2/1! here are the photos[ all of the ones on my cam.] the videos will come later!
posted by 1/1ians @ 3:29 pm
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Shall we go for class outing?
yes, we shall!
East Coast Park please? Can we have the class comm go on organising games and then everyone else can play. And the rest of the class comm will violently object and throw stones at me.
see right, we can have class outing and then like have games and so we allll can bond. and if we go there and IMPROVISE, we'll probably spend our time talking to the people we always do. So....Won't that be a good idea for the class comm!
Not like it'll be very torturous for us what. since its not like a camp and must do century. SEE SEE SEE? can can can? like can play some games in groups at ECP and then after that we EAT. and then we can take pictures and play by the beach. CAN? sounds great right? And btw, ECP has doors lah!aiyohhh!
I am relating to Class Outing to CL camp. AHA. i'm so retarded, sorry! okay. so we shall have class outing this hols pleasee??? YEAHYEAH? PLEAAASEE?
posted by 1/1ians @ 3:30 pm
Thursday, May 10, 2007
heh. is the 1/1'06 blog dying?
oh wells,
for class outing we could go to ecp and the class comm can organise games. it's cheap. and fun. either that or we could bake something and sell it for cip. but tha'll be too much of a hassle wouldn't it? ahh, come on la. be more enthu. you want something then spit it out! not literally...rarr. we must bond! yeah? lost of inter-class stuff coming up. esp after MYs. sho quick people! we don't have all day. have fun in malaysia RA! take care!
hee. i am high on blueberries!
posted by 1/1ians @ 4:47 pm
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
the trauma is over.
Hello people! EXAMS ARE FINALLY OVER MANN! Good work everybody, no one freaked out and died cause of the exams. Great jobb! and now we wait for results, which is wayy scary! Oh wells.
NOW we can discuss class outing! CANWEPLEASEGOTOECPPLEEEEAASE?! I meant, ECP is a very good idea you know, it has no doors, so its cheap! Pleeease can we go to ECP! See all the other schools' class pic there, so fun! PLEASE ECP IS COOOL. anyway. i think we should get more opinions too. Blog and tag. I WANT CLASS OUTING THIS YEAR,PLEAAASE!
pokay, nothing to say already. i shall go. Have great fun!
posted by 1/1ians @ 5:48 pm