Wednesday, March 14, 2007
heyy ppl!! we are alr half way through the hols!! hope that all of us have at least started on our hmwk!! and those who haven't JIA YOU!! (it means add oil*literally*)heehee.. anywaee yepps.. remember to relax but we must still study, because if we go back to school blur, mrs tan is gonna scold us again!!XD so rmbr to come back to school more vibrant and refreshed kaee!!
posted by 1/1ians @ 2:37 pm
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
hello everybody!
time flies right? its almost the end of term 1 already.
very soon, we'll be graduating and be wearing these extremely long and satin-like gowns for grad night already. how time flies.
i hope everyone's first term's been great? i think things will pick up speed soon, because its the streaming year(sadly) but yupp. we're all going to get through it as twoone. cause we've got class spirit alright?
i'm kinda bored right now, as you would see, thus, the post.HEH.this is JAIME by the way. the great and honourable jaime:D heheeee
i ought to go already...
seeyou people tomorrow!!!
-jaime, the egoistic narcisist!:D
posted by 1/1ians @ 9:12 pm
Friday, March 02, 2007
ca's + posting
exams are finally over!! people dun worry abt the results and enjoy ur weekend kaee!! and can someone PLEASE post? other than me? i mean if u dun have the user and pw, u can send it to the email addie i told u, and please rmbr to include ur name and please DO NOT write anything that mayhurt someone's feelings.. cause if u send that to me to post, i won't post it!!! and here's the email addie u can send it to : PLEASE DO NOT SPAM... if u do, i'm putting all ur mail as trash even if it's not!!
posted by 1/1ians @ 7:21 pm